Kategori: Gästskribent

Änkans skärv

Idag är det två år sedan familjefadern och juristen Fredrik Andersson mördades när han försökte avvärja ett mord. Men vad hände med änkan? Fick hon upprättelse och gottgörelse? Hur värderar rättsväsendet förlusten av en livskamrat? Vilket pris sätter man på den livslånga sorgen? 

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Qatar and Its Al-Jazeera Network: ’Voice for Terrorists’

Remarkably, one of the places Al-Jazeera is still free to operate is Israel. The television station has a big bureau in Jerusalem, and its correspondents feel free to incite violence against Israel from within Israel.

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Escalation Towards an Independent Terrorist State

The enforced relinquishing of Israeli control over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian people in 2005 is what directly enabled the tragic events of October 7.

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France’s Skyrocketing Threat

January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.

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Biden’s ’Two-State Solution’ To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel

Why should any Palestinian leader return to the negotiating table with Israel when the Americans and British are already offering them a state on a platter, unilaterally and unconditionally?

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Daglig jihad i Frankrig

I hele Frankrig bærer jøder ikke længere kippa eller en davidsstjerne i det offentlige rum. De fjerner deres navn fra deres postkasser. ”For første gang siden 1945”, siger den franske forfatter Elisabeth Badinter, ”er mange franske jøder så bange, at de skjuler sig.”

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Hamas in London

The pro-Hamas protests in London are not, apparently, as organic and spontaneous as their organizers would like them to seem.

At least four groups with links to Hamas are reportedly behind several of the marches:

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Behind the Human Rights Watch Curtain: Hate and Corruption

Credit for exploiting moral principles adopted after the Holocaust, and weaponizing them to target Israel, goes to HRW Executive Director Ken Roth (1993-2022), who launched this strategy more than 20 years ago.

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The Uninvited Backbone of Israel’s Anti-Reform Movement

President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are supposedly qualified to give Israel’s coalition government a lecture on judicial probity and democracy?

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The West Is Importing China’s Cultural Revolution

China’s ”Cultural Revolution” already destroyed one great civilization; perhaps the West should reject importing a cultural revolution of its own before it finally becomes too late. Pictured: A group of children reading Chairman Mao Zedong’s ’Little Red Book’, assembled in front of a portrait of Mao during China’s Cultural Revolution, circa 1968. (Photo by Hulton […]

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